

The Closer’s Kit

Original price was: $370.00.Current price is: $149.99.

I’m Ready To Become a Closer
and Become More Persuasive
and dramatically improve my business!

(You’ll be stunned when you realize how easily others see and agree with your perspective, and readily invest in your ideas, concepts, or products when you utilize these strategies.)


Included with membership:

My Persuasion Enhancement 4-disc hard-copy audio set sent to my house that will allow me to Understand the secret of powerful persuasion that works like magic to quickly overcome objections or resistance.

Michael’s amazing 4-step process that results in a “YES” at hello, by actually getting my prospect’s permission to close them later.

My YesorKnow audio which will show me how to Zero in on the signs and signals of a “silent no” and turn them into YESES over and over again!

A deep understanding of the power and psychology behind certain trigger words with Your New Vocabulary – and how to use them to my best advantage.

Know exactly WhatToSayWhen to overcome any objections, arguments, or excuses.

I’ll be so good at understanding the sales process I will be able to use my persuasion skills to predict the outcome almost every time.

I’ll stay confident, calm, cool, and collected no matter how they try to turn up the heat.

I’ll now have a step-by-step process to closing
more sales.

I’ll be able to dramatically increase my YES factor with higher closing rates, better quality clients, and higher income!