

Action Strategies for Big Thinkers & Psycho-Persuasion Videos



How to move from where you are to where you really want to be!

Someone who thinks big like you should be achieving greatness at every level, so what’s holding you back? It’s your mind and the way it’s currently operating. Your very own thinking is stopping you from taking the actions that will quickly move you to your next level. In this eye-opening video you’ll discover why you’re not where you had hoped to be, and what you must do immediately to get there. Michael will clearly explain why your comfort zone is holding you back, and what you need to do to take on your biggest challenges with confidence. He’ll show you how to change your perceptions, get yourself emotionally ready, and communicate your message with confidence and consistency. Learn these principles and take charge of your life today!


How to subliminally remove barriers to get prospects buying faster!

Everyone is wired differently. The very same sales presentation that gets one prospect excited, leaves another one bored or indifferent. Why? The dynamic and captivating program answers this and may other questions about the sales process, and shows you exactly how to get people to take immediate action. You’ll learn how to tap into the most important language patterns and understand the non-verbal cues that make the difference between “I’ll think about” and “Let’s move forward!” The key is getting people to like and trust you, and Michael Bernoff’s techniques help your create those feelings early on in any business relationship. Once you are armed with these powerful tools, you’ll be more persuasive than ever before.