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More about Michael Bernoff...
Michael Bernoff is a results coach. He knows how to get people doing the things that will bring them to the results they want. He’s also a powerful, seasoned public speaker that captivates audiences with his dynamic presentation style. His well-orchestrated programs energize, educate and entertain. Michael’s background includes a track record as a top performer in direct sales, a powerful and effective sales trainer and recruiter. His passion is to share his communication and transformation strategies with others. A master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Michael is known for showing people how to get results, increase their lifestyle, improve their physical health and confidence.

Gail Levine

"Since I listened to Michael’s course I’ve taken care of all the tasks I've been putting off for several months. Michael’s program gave me a tremendous boost of energy and motivation. The confidence I now have was WORTH the investment! Thank you so much!"
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